About Me
I am a multidisciplinary engineer with a passion for automation and robotics. My skills include control theory, automation, CAD, robotics, and data analysis.
I graduated from Webb Institute, one of the most unique engineering schools in the world, with a dual B.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. I then obtained my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, working as a graduate research assistant in the Marine Autonomy Lab, studying computer science, autonomy, control, and simulation.
- Python (2020)
- Numpy
- Pandas
- DateTime
- Matplotlib
- C++ (2021)
- Matlab (2022)
- Bash (2022)
- Neural Net design/training (2022)
- Solidworks (2019 - Present)
- Rhino (2020 - Present)
- Fusion 360 (2018)
Work Experience
SAAB Inc Autonomous Undersea Division (June 2024 - Present) (Full-Time)
I am currently a systems engineer at Saab inc. I have conducted work on a long-range AUV, file management automation, seakeeping analysis (and automation of the analysis pipeline), and more. I am the technical lead on a low-cost UUV project, and I have participated in the company's AI learning initative.
NATO STO CMRE (Jan-Feb 2022) (Internship)
I worked in their young scientist program, helping analyze their collaborative control engine and its cabability to estimate position errors. This is where I leaned a about in-depth the topics of acousitcs and autonomy paradigms can be.
Hydroid (Summer 2021) (Internship)
I worked as an intern at Huntingon Ingalls Mission Systems (formerly Hydroid) as an engineer on the Remus 300 platform. I focused my time on passive roll compensation, efficency gains, and control authority.
ThayerMahan (Jan-Feb 2021) (Internship)
I worked as an engineering intern designing many different unique systems. I worked on multiple fascets of in-house PCB prototyping technology (still in use as of Fall 2024), redesigning and 3D printing various components for a new platform, assisting with testing, and more.
Key Lakes Shipping (Jan-March 2020) (Internship)
I worked as an engine room cadet for two months on the Arthur M Anderson steamship out of Toledo OH. I assisted with maintenance and ship upkeep for the two months onboard. As part of my undergraduate degree, I also traced out the steam plant in the engine room, learning about each pipe, where it goes, and how it improved the vessel's efficency and reliability.
NASSCO (Jan-Feb 2019) (Internship)
I worked at General Dynamics NASSCO for two months my freshman year as a shipyard intern. I learned about ship manufacturing and learned about welding, grinding, machinery installation, and much more.
Other Experience
Personal Server Management (Spring 2023 - Present)
Deploying and maintaining multiple docker containers on my home server. This involved setting up port forwarding, caddy as a reverse-proxy, and utilizing a free DDNS service to point to my server.
MIT Project Manus Makerspace Mentor (Spring 2023 - Present) (Volunteer)
This role includes supervising shop open-hours, teaching new members how to operate machines, and helping people with projects (personal and reseaerch based work). I help operate and maintain a fleet of 6 FDM 3D printers. I also teach how to operate various machines, including 3D printers, laser cutters, and milling machines.
Interior Firefighter (Fall 2017 - Spring 2022) (Volunteer)
I was an interior firefighter in the Plandome Fire Department during high-school and during the summers while at college. As such, I have a National Firefighter 1 certification.
PADI Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver (2017)
I was an interior firefighter in the Plandome Fire Department during high-school and during the summers while at college. As such, I have a National Firefighter 1 certification.